Monday, March 26, 2012


The conversation at dawn
seemed like a dream
words and love
whirling to an abrupt ending
when daylight devoured our insanity
Passion and hurt
slowly sink in
with the day
and erase
the scorching topography of desires
Love wept against
decisions definite
etched in stone
And how love evaporates
as if
in the sublime process of sublimation
Love that
lumped together
heart and soul
in a mess of throbbings
its language of fires
become tepid gray ashes
even a whimper of protest
One day
my wound will disappear
into a dry scab
and grief will have
a new skin
fresh and ready
for new grievings
You, a spiritless traveller
will embrace another rite
contended to walk
upon beaten paths
discarding love
on a whim
When you and her
share your mannequin kisses
with blessings et al
you'll be peripheral in my dreams ©

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